Saturday, December 6, 2008

A Promise Is A Promise

Three friends met at one of their regular hangouts and confided to each other that due to the recent financial down turn, they had each lost a lot of money in their businesses. Just then, another of their friend who was a very rich man, walked in.

The rich man told the three that he had just been to the doctor and was told that he had only a short time to live due to a serious illness. After expressing sadness to this rich friend about his health condition, one of the three decided to ask the rich friend for financial help.

The rich man, out of his kind heart agreed to lend each of them $100,000 which will be more than enough to tide them through their difficulties. The only condition he made was that the money had to be returned to him, latest by the day of his funeral. If that happens, they were to throw the money into his coffin during the wake, when he died. They agreed.

A few months later, the rich man passed away and was to be buried within the week. At the wake, the three men were chatting and the first was suddenly overcame with guilt. He confessed to the other two that he had thrown only half of the money into the coffin, as he was still not doing well in his business. The second man thought for a while and told the other two men that he had also done likewise, his situation was very similar to the first man.

The third man then said angrily to the other two, "Shame on you, the both of you !!! Do you know that even though I am not doing well in recovering my business and in fact, I had suffer further losses since we last met; yet I had kept my promise to our dearest departed friend !!

I had thrown in a CHEQUE, not only for the full amount but with interest!”
To download a free copy of this joke in PDF format for printing or to send to your friends, just click here.
